These pants are absolutely amazing and worth the price. They come in an outfit with the shrug and a shirt (not shown) and are a 50% donation item. The fair runs from May 15 to June 1st so there's still time to rush over and pick this up in black or red. The shoe gift from SLink will be in the group for a few weeks but I'd rush in and grab them if you happen to have the high feet to wear them with.
On Cat
Skin : Pink Fuel : Harley : Ivory
Hair : TRUTH : Elyse : Gingers
Tattoo : TATTOO MANIA : Skull&Demon
Pants : Endorphin @ World Goth Fair : Gothic Strapped Pants : Black*
Top : Endorphin @ World Goth Fair : Shrug top : Black*
Feet : SLink : Mesh Feet : High {With Pink Fuel Appliers}
Shoes : SLink : Siren : Leather Leopard {Group Gift 10L join fee}
Pose : oOo Studio Poses : Martinique : two
<3 Cat Horatio